Happy Time Together!

Bring stories to life through reading, music, and art!

Preschool aged arts gatherings on Front Street

At Happy Time, we believe that the arts are for everyone, of all ages. You just have to find the way in, and meet people where they are.

Happy Time Together is our new series for preschoolers ages 3-5. This is an age where young children are learning artistic behaviors and absorbing everything around them like big, juicy sponges. They also tend to want to touch and dance and sing a lot, with their family, siblings, caretakers, and friends. So, we created a place to help make this possible!

Stories & Art workshops will begin with a book reading and then offer an art activity related to the book.

Stories & Music workshops will begin with a book reading and then offer some live music to listen to and sing, related to the book.

The arts are, by their very nature, multidisciplinary. So are humans. Bring your little human along and see how they shine.

We can’t wait to meet you!

NOTE: Younger siblings are welcome to join if it’s needed.