David Lutrick


Bio: David bought his first lathe nearly 50 years ago, and has been a woodturner ever since. Today he teaches the craft as a woodturning instructor at Pratt Fine Arts Center in Seattle and through private instruction in his studio, where he also accepts commissions. He is a member of the Seattle Chapter of the American Association of Woodturners. His work is available in Northwest galleries and has been featured in national arts and crafts publications. 

On inspiration: “For me, form remains the key to a visually pleasing piece of art. The color and grain of wood, and its surface texture, make art from wood uniquely natural.”

On his studio: “I have a two-level shop for those who are interested in the production process. I now have four lathes and a large inventory of raw wood from local sources, including maple, locust, monkey puzzle, elm, madrone, and cherry.”

On downed trees: Did you know you can donate fallen trees to the Seattle Woodturners? They prefer hardwood species (e.g., madrone, maple, oak) and fruitwood (e.g., pear).

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Divya Rajan - Storyteller