Linda Schnell

Glass and Sculpture Artist

Bio: Linda is an artist with arthritis and an enduring fascination with the intersection between art and science. Trained as an engineer, she began experimenting later in life with building mixed-media sculptures, using sea glass she collected on the beach. Like tumbling sea glass, living with arthritis can be a challenging journey, so reducing stress through artmaking is her primary goal.

On community: Linda is a member of the International Sea Glass Association, Pacific Northwest Glass Guild, Friends of the Salmon Hatchery, and Center for Whale Research.

On finding inspiration: “Inhaling fresh, salty air while walking along a beach.”

On cairns: Often used as markers along hiking trails, cairns are heaps of stones piled as a memorial or as a landmark for wayfinding. Linda does this with a sea glass twist.

On favorite beaches: You may see Linda peacefully beachcombing along Alki Beach in West Seattle, near her private Sea Cairns art studio. She focuses on reusing all types of beachside treasures to construct refined art.

On authenticity: Ask her how to tell the difference between real sea glass and fake sea glass.

Favorite place near Issaquah: The Salmon Hatchery

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