Holly Pennington

Name some artists that have influenced you: Elle Luna, Sara Schroeder, Georgia O’Keefe, Anne Appleby, Madeline L’Engle, SYML, my mom

Share an artistic accomplishment you are proud of: Completion of six 100 Day Projects. (Check it out at the100dayproject.org if you haven’t heard of it!)

Why do you teach art? I believe every single person is creative, and being in touch with our creativity builds self-trust, connection with our emotional experiences and improved mental health.

Holly lives in Auburn with her husband, two teenage daughters, and Duncan the Golden Retriever. She has her Doctorate in Physical Therapy, is a Certified Yoga Instructor and holds certifications in both Mindfulness and Therapeutic Art Making. As a mixed-media artist, she currently loves combining abstract paintings on paper with working digitally. When she’s not creating, Holly loves to run, practice yoga, travel with her family, read and have deep conversations over hot cups of tea.


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